AeroPress Coffee and Espresso Maker with Tote Bag

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The AeroPress is a coffee lover's dream come true! Say goodbye to instant coffee and expensive coffee machines and hello to the perfect cup of coffee every time.

With the AeroPress, you don't have to worry about waste, as it's eco-friendly and easy to clean. The paper filters are compostable, and you can even reuse them after a quick rinse. And, with the AeroPress, you get a uniform extraction, resulting in a smooth, rich flavor with lower acidity and no bitterness.

Whether you're at home or on-the-go, the AeroPress is the perfect companion for coffee lovers. It's lightweight and portable, making it perfect for camping trips and vacations. And with the micro-filter, you can enjoy a grit-free cup of coffee every time.

This coffee maker is quick and easy to use, taking just one minute to make the perfect cup of coffee. Plus, it's easy to clean, with no fiddly parts to worry about. The AeroPress comes complete with everything you need to make professional coffee at home, including 350 filters, a scoop, a funnel, and a stirrer. So, what are you waiting for? Just add your coffee and water and enjoy!

As the famous saying goes, "Life is too short for bad coffee."


  • Takes just one minute to make smooth perfect coffee every time.
  • Lightweight and portable mean it is perfect for camping and holidays.
  • Micro-Filtered for grit-free coffee results.
  • The actual press time is just 20 seconds.
  • Simple and quick to clean; there’s no washing-up of fiddly parts.
  • Comes complete with 350 filters, a scoop, a funnel and a stirrer.
  • Everything you need to make professional coffee at home.


  • AeroPress 
  • Coffee Funnel
  • 350 micro filters and holder
  • Coffee scoop
  • Coffee Stirrer/Agitator
  • Tote Bag